Relocation Notice:
Dear valued customers, partners and friends, I am delighted to announce that I have relocated to Vancouver Canada on 1st July 2016
尊敬的客戶, 合作夥伴, 朋友, 我於2016年7月1日已搬遷到加拿大溫哥華
About Cicy
Cicy Chan Yik has studied makeup & hair styling in New York, Tokyo and Los Angeles. In 2000 Cicy started her 1st free-lanced job for Fancl makeup demonstration in newspaper and magazine, afterward she be invited by many media for doing beauty makeup & hairstyling fashion shoot and celebrities interview. Cicy opened “Can You Studio” in 2003 for doing wedding service and teaching makeup and hairstyling lessons. 2004 published a book “CicyC the complete book of bridal hair and makeup”. Other than doing hair and makeup for brides, commercial photo shoot for print ad, editorial, model makeup & hair styling service, Cicy is also available to do semi permanent eyebrow and invisible eyeliner tattoo. Innocent feeling, clean and natural application is her favorite presentation, she would like to bring to you is her valuable experience and creativity. She is always devoting the best service to suit your needs.
從事專業化妝及髮型工作15年, Cicy 至今已為超過400對新人提供化妝及髮型服務, 見證他們最美麗重要的時刻. 畢業於多間著名化妝及髮型學校包括紐約,洛杉磯及東京, 早期工作主要為多間雜誌做潮流化妝及髮型, 2003年開設了 Can You Studio, 提供新娘、宴會化妝髮型服務, 教授化妝髮型課程, 2004年出版「Cicy.C Beauty-The Complete book of bridal」一書, 分享自己的化妝風格及試範香港新娘的多種不同形象, 2011年起獲Neutrogena公司邀請, 成為其品牌的化妝顧問.
Semi Permanent Makeup
3D Eyebrow & Invisible Eyeliner Tatoo 飄眉, 隱形眼線 (半永久化妝術)
1. more natural and realistic, not easy to change color
2. without pain, no pain during embroider eyebrow and invisible eyeliner tattoo nor swelling
3. eyebrow and eyeliner effect can be maintained 1-3 years
4. rich colors to match individual's personality, occupation, hairstyle, etc
5. quick recovery, less skin damage優點:
1. 效果自然逼真, 色澤柔和不易變色
2. 無痛苦, 飄眉隱形眼線中不疼痛, 不會紅腫
3. 飄眉, 隱形眼線效果可以保持 1 至3年
4. 色彩豐富, 可根據個人的性格, 職業, 髮型等選擇
5. 恢復快, 皮膚破損少Trendy Eyebrows
Trendy Eyebrows
Elegant Eyebrows
Feminine Eyebrows
Natural Eyebrows
Natural Eyebrows
Invisible Eyeliner
Invisible Eyeliner
Invisible Eyeliner
3D Eyebrow & Invisible Eyeliner Tatoo 飄眉, 隱形眼線
Important Notes 注意事項 :
1) Your tattoo will appear darker temporarily in the beginning until the scab begins to come off. Don’t be worried about how it appears in the meantime.
5-7天脫痂之前, 顏色會較深, 請不用太在意這個必經過程。
2) Aftercare is particularly important within the first 5-7 days of the tattoo application. Before washing your face in the morning and night, apply a thin layer of the professional restoring serum, this will help to repair your skin and help the coloring set in.
請用專業修護精華在5-7天內, 早晚洗臉各擦一次, 作用是保護及修護上色。
3) Before the scab comes off, try to keep your skin as clean and as dry as possible. This will help the color set properly.
脫痂前請保持乾爽, 若不小心沾到水, 請立即印干, 防止痂軟化脫落而影響上色。
4) After the scab hardens, allow it to come off naturally. Do not try to pick it off yourself as this can lead to uneven healing.
結痂後讓他自然脫落, 不能人為摳掉以防止顏色除痂一起脫落, 影響上色效果。
5) After the scab comes off, the coloring may not be completely even. This is normal and we can do a touch up within 3 months
第一次脫痂後, 若顏色不均勻屬於正常, 可在3個月內修補顏色。
6) Eyebrow and eyeliner tattoos generally last 1-3 years, and the pigments will slowly fade over time. A touch up will then be required.
顏色可保持1-3年, 會慢慢變淡, 變淡後可做補色修補。
Wedding Bridal / Bridemaid / Party Makeup & Hair Styling
新娘 / 伴娘 / 宴會派對化妝髮型
- Wedding 新娘 / 伴娘
- Party 宴會派對
- Korean Style Makeup 韓式化妝
- High-Definition Makeup 高清化妝
Commercial Photo-Shoot Makeup & Hair Styling
- Pre-wedding
- Commercial Advertising 商業廣告
- Magazine 雜誌
Semi-Permanent Tattoo
- Eyebrow 3D飄眉
- Invisible Eyeliner 隱形眼線
Makeup Class
Daytime Makeup
(1 lesson x 2hrs)
Evening Makeup
(1 lesson x 2hrs)
Hair Styling
(2 lessons x 2hrs)
Makeup & Hair Styling
(3 lessons x 2hrs)
For any enquiries please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible !
Or write to me by email: CicyC@hotmail.com or call me at (778) 886 7702
Vancouver, Canada
Copyright 2017 Cicy Makeup & Hair